Now people know what is poetry. Now, it is time to learn all different types of poetry.
The first poem I will introduce you is... it's funny, using that word introduce to introduce people to introduction poems. Yes, I'm introducing you poets to introduction poems.
Introduction poems are, of course, poems that introduce people. It can be as long as people want, but it's better to be longer. That way, it's more, um, detailed. This type of poem starts with "I am (introducing person's name here)" Lets make an example. Who should be a volunteer... Michael Jackson. If you are introducing Michael Jackson to the world, the poem should start and end with "I am Michael Jackson". Speaking of Michael Jackson, did you know Michael Jackson was a poet, too? He was even a American singer-songwriter, dancer, actor, choreographer, businessman, philanthropist and record producer. You can write that at the poem. "I was a American singer-songwriter, dancer, actor, choreographer, poet, businessman, philanthropist and record producer." You can say more true interesting facts about him, such as "I was known as the King of Pop" or "I was proclaimed the most awarded entertainer of all time, the biggest-selling artist of all time, the most popular artist in the history of show business, and the world’s most famous man", but the facts at an introduction poem can bee lies, too. You can say "I man-wrestled a man eating crocodile". I don't know if Michael Jackson actually did that, but you can write it anyway. OK, so here's an introduction poem I wrote about me. I used facts and false facts at the same time.
I am James Kim.
I was once totally freaked out by fish that were harmless.
I have a best friend that I so want to kill.
I hate North Korea.
Once it took me 1 minute for me to write one sentence on the computer.
I have the world's worst balance.
I am a christian.
I got called by the police for making prank calls.
Once in a zoo, a crocodile came out of it's cage and tried to eat me.
I have an older brother who is in middle school.
I was once interested in being an inventor.
I am James Kim.
You might find it hard to write false and true facts at the same time. If you do, here's a way. You write out all the true sentences on the top. Then, write the false sentences on the bottom. Then mix the sentences up. It's simple.
Well, that's it for introductions. Next, it's time for circle poems.
Until then, C ya!
From James K to all beginner and other types of poets