Welcome back to the blog of poets! This time, I am telling you what limericks are, and there is no lime contained in it. Limericks are just lines that form rhyming pattern aabba, and has 8, 8 again, 5, 5 again, and 8 syllables in each line. The number of syllables could be slightly different, but it can only be +-1.
As an example, anyone heard the movie "cats and dogs 2" is coming out? That's why I wrote about a cat and a dog.
Why you can't see hogs in the city
There once was a cat and a dog,
And there was a big giant hog.
The hog have said that
The two guys were fat,
Those were the last words of the hog.
O.K., maybe the words are kind of lame, but at least it's connected to the subject.
From James K to other following poets