Jun 10, 2010


Here's a question. What is the most famous type of poetry in the world? It's probably this I'm about to talk about now.

Welcome again to the blog of poets! The summer vacation is near, I see?

Why I say this is the most famous type of poetry is because many people use this. It is time we go for the rhymes.

Does 'Quatrain' sound familiar? The word 'quat' is a root word meaning four. This is because the quatrain poem is made by four lines. There are two types of poems in quatrains. One is the aabb. The next is the abab. The abab is the famous one. It is the type where the first and third, the second and fourth line rhyme with each other. The aabb type is the typoe where the first and second, the third and fourth rhyme with each other. Here's an example of an aabb.

Do not, under any circumstances, (a)
Ever try to break the world's balances (a)
They will always come back-only, more worse (b)
Really, I don't want to go through that course (b)

See? Circumstances rhyme with balances, and worse rhymes with course. Now do you get it? If you do, then that's it for you. C ya!

From James K to all other poets